Idiosyncrasy Updated for 2012

I recently came across an old blog post about individual idiosnycrasies that we all possess. I had been 'tagged' by a fellow blogger and was told to write down five of my own. Below is the original post, followed by a few new ones for 2012. Anyone who would like to be 'tagged', please feel free to borrow the concept and post this to your own blog!

id•i•o•syn•cra•sy - a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.

1. I not only drink my coffee black, but I usually put an ice cube in it to cool it off before I drink it.

2. I crochet left handed and knit right handed.

3. If my family would allow it, I would play Christmas music all year round. As it is, I start playing it the day after Thanksgiving, and don't stop until after January 6, which is the Italian 'Little Christmas'.

4. I wear black most of the time, all year round, no matter what the occasion.

5. I am a perfectionist and spend hours correcting crochet designs, patterns, letters, webpages, and most things I do, including blog posts!

I decided to update this with some new idiosyncrasies, although the ones above still apply!

1. Unlike most crocheters, I don't mind sewing in all the ends that are left when a crochet project is complete, no matter HOW MANY there are! I know, crazy!

2.  When I begin a new design or project, I need to have a clear/clean workspace. If my work area is messy, I have to clear the clutter and make it neat before I begin. I think this clears my mind and allows me to use my brain!

3.  I am still a perfectionist, but have learned to be better about incessantly correcting every project that I write. I am still very meticulous with my crochet patterns, though, to ensure that they are always correct!

Do you have any distinct CROCHET idiosnycrasies? Let us all know what they are in the comments. It will be fun to compare notes!

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Crochet In A Day For Baby Book Review and Giveaway!

Crochet in A Day for Baby designed by Candi Jensen for Leisure Arts.

"Every baby is special and deserving of projects made with love".   Candi Jensen

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything about this book! I love the photos, the cute designs, the layout, easy-to-read schematics and the font used for the text!

Crochet In A Day For Baby contains 20 ADORABLE quick and easy baby projects that can be made in a day or weekend.
The projects are broken down into categories as follows: Cardigans (3), Vests 2, Blankets (3), Hats (2), Booties (3), Mitts (3) and EXTRAS for baby (5).

The book has fun stitch combinations and a lovely muted color palette, but of course, you can use any color combinations you wish!   Almost ALL of the designs use #4 worsted weight yarn (bib and hanger covers use #3 light worsted weight) and I can envision the wearables in this book made with Wool for winter OR Cotton for summer, to make them even more versatile!
Some of the designs are similar, starting with a basic pattern and then showing us how to embellish the item differently to make it uniquely yours!
For those crocheters who have never made a garment before and are reluctant to, the projects in this book would be perfect to begin with! Each design would be appropriate for gifts and many of them could be considered quick for last minute gifts as well!

Lately I have been designing a lot of baby accessory items for my newborn photographer daughter, Gina and also baby crochet patterns for Too Cute Crochet, my Etsy shop. So, I really enjoy browsing through a GOOD crochet pattern baby book.
Below are photos of some of my favorites designs from the book! Which is your favorite? 
Crochet In A Day For Baby can be purchased at a discount from Amazon, but you also have a chance to win ONE of TWO copies from Cute Crochet Chat!

Each and every reader of this blog is eligible to receive a free copy of Crochet In A Day! Just leave a comment on this post telling everyone why you would like to win this crochet baby book! Please remember to give me your contact information or EMAIL address in the comment so I can contact you if you are the winner. TWO random winners will be drawn on 8/30/12.

Disclaimer: Leisure Arts has graciously provided  this blog with the review copy, as well as two copies of the book for our giveaway.
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